I'm Steve Boyd.
I’m running to represent Minnesota in the U.S. House of Representatives. It’s time to return to the foundational American values that made this country great. When I am elected, I pledge to do all in my ability to do just that. Thank you for your support.

I’m Steve Boyd, and I’m running to be your representative in Minnesota’s 7th congressional district because the times we face require more than business as usual.
The politicians In Washington want you to believe that only they can solve our problems. That’s not true. Only God can solve our problems, but He uses ordinary people like you and I to carry out His will.
My promise to the people of Minnesota and Americans everywhere is simple: in Washington, I will hold to, and strive to exemplify the beliefs I profess. The action I take will be for the purpose of glorifying God and restoring our nation back to its foundational principles. I will encourage my fellow lawmakers to do the same and help steer this nation back towards its Christian roots.
The first step to solving our problems of overtaxing, overspending, endless lawmaking that erodes our liberty, the lack of respect for life and the destruction of the innocence of our children, is the acceptance that America is one nation, under God.
I believe the catalyst to this change lies within three key values: Reviving Liberty, Protecting Life and Taking Action.
To learn more about my platform, please click here.
For me, Liberty is not just another word for ‘freedom’. It carries with it remembrance of the sacrifice of those who defended and preserved it with their life. It evokes the sense of duty and responsibility that each American has to their families, communities, states and nation.
We have gone from men and women willing to sacrifice in order to safeguard and maintain their liberties, to a nation willing to sacrifice their freedoms, rights, and liberties for the appearance of safety and comfort provided by the government. We have given permission to the government to step out of their true purpose of protecting our God given rights and into regulating our rights “for our safety”.
We have an identity crisis in our nation. The “land of the free and the home of the brave” has become the land of open borders, rampant crime, and unequal justice. We must have a revival of liberty, a willingness to accept the responsibility that comes with it and the courage to defend and assert it.
All life has intrinsic value. A value not decided by the parent, or the government or society itself but rather God himself, the creator of that life.
Our current governments fail our nation in not safeguarding or promoting human life through all of its stages, beginning at conception. This failure isn’t just in protecting life of the unborn but encompasses rampant illegal immigration, failure to properly address and stem crime, lowered education standards, and economic policies that fail to provide opportunities in America to thrive and have the American Dream.
The failure of the government to provide the basic protections of inalienable rights and instead step into being the provider of all things has degraded the family and pushed fathers out of the home, effectively destroying the most integral part of our nation’s success, strong families. We see so many symptoms of this failure in honoring the basic fundamental value of life.
We need to get to the root of the problems: Valuing life.
It is time we stop pointing the finger, making excuses and passing the problems we face onto the next generation. We can make a difference and create a better future for our children if we take action.
We need people who are willing to stand for truth at every level of government AND every facet of society. I am willing to do that as your representative, regardless of the consequences. Important decisions about the future of our nation and people cannot be made based on our next election. Willingness to contend for truth and what is right should not be determined by the polls. Taking action is a value and as citizens we have a responsibility to know, understand and then act when necessary.
The men and women who founded this nation took action, when it became necessary, to form a more perfect union. It became necessary when the principles and values they knew to be true and good were being violated and they were willing to pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to each other in that pursuit. Will you?
Washington Needs More
About Me
My name is Steve Boyd. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself, my family, and my message to you as your candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. My priorities, in order, but all with great significance, are: my faith in Jesus Christ, being a husband to my beautiful (and frankly way out of my league) wife Talitha, being a father to our five wonderful children, and being a patriot.

The Issues
Our nation is facing many issues, some of which you may be more passionate about than others. You are likely on this page to find out my stance on the hot button issue you care about. I hope to have a conversation and hear your passion someday.
“Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.” – John Jay
I’m Steve Boyd, and I’m running to be your representative in Minnesota’s 7th congressional district because the times we face require more than business as usual.
The politicians In Washington want you to believe that only they can solve our problems. That’s not true. Only God can solve our problems, but He uses ordinary people like you and I to carry out His will.
My promise to the people of Minnesota and Americans everywhere is simple: in Washington, I will hold to, and strive to exemplify the beliefs I profess. The action I take will be for the purpose of glorifying God and restoring our nation back to its foundational principles. I will encourage my fellow lawmakers to do the same and help steer this nation back towards its Christian roots.
The first step to solving our problems of overtaxing, overspending, endless lawmaking that erodes our liberty, the lack of respect for life and the destruction of the innocence of our children, is the acceptance that America is one nation, under God.
I believe the catalyst to this change lies within three key values: Reviving Liberty, Protecting Life and Taking Action.
To learn more about my platform, please click here.